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Curtin University Greens (WA) Club

Advocacy 101: How to advocate to your MP for Palestine

Thu, 29 Aug 2024
6:00 PM - 7:45 PM

Meeting with your MP is a powerful and important way to make your voice heard. Members of Parliament have the power to make the change we are calling for and we elect them to represent us - so let's make sure they listen to our concerns! This workshop will give you the tools to secure a meeting with your local member and put your best foot forward. It will focus on advocating for peace in Palestine, but the skills learned can be applied to any campaign.

The Curtin Uni Greens Club are honoured to have Sophie McNeill and Hiba Farra run this workshop for us.

Sophie McNeill is a Greens candidate for the Legislative Council at the 2025 State election, and has a long history in progressive campaigning and social justice.

Hiba Farra is part of the team leading Australian Palestine Advocacy Network's Canberra lobbying efforts and has extensive experience meeting with MPs.

Please make sure you register so you can give us your accessibility and dietary info. The club is providing dinner from Kirribilli catering, free of charge to attendees.

Location: 400.222 (School of Population Health building).

  • Recommended parking: multi-story car park near the Curtin Central Bus Station and Curtin Stadium. Parking is free on campus after 4:30pm. There are ACROD bays to the immediate West of building 400.
  • Recommended public transport: Curtin Central Bus Station.
  • Directions: walk through/around the multi-story car park, up the large entrance staircase (ramp available) and enter building 400 from the east side.
  • Get navigation directions from your location by entering "400.222" here: https://properties.curtin.edu.au/visit-curtin/campus-maps/


6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Dinner - Provided by Kirribilli Catering
Ticket Type Price
Student Ticket - FREE $0.00 Sale Ended
Non-student Ticket $5.00 Sale Ended

Curtin University, Kent Street, Bentley, Western Australia, 6102, Australia

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