Curtin University Greens (WA) Club
powered by TidyHQSafer Spaces Agreement
Safer Spaces Agreement
Please be aware that all people entering the club events or online spaces are expected to keep the Safe Spaces Agreement in mind at all times.
If someone breaks the agreement, they will be asked to remove themselves from the space.
- Respect people’s physical and emotional boundaries.
- Always get explicit verbal consent before touching someone or crossing personal boundaries.
- Respect people’s opinions, beliefs, differing states of being and points of view.
- Respect people’s pronouns; for example, they/them/theirs, she/her/hers, he/him/his, zie/zir/zem.
- Be responsible for your own actions because they impact on others.
- Own up to your mistakes.
- Take responsibility for your own safety and ask for help if you need it.
- Do not engage in any behaviour or language that may perpetuate oppression; i.e. being racist, ageist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, queerphobic, ableist, classist, sizeist, biphobic, whorephobic, polyphobic, femmephobic, transmisogynistic or any bigoted behaviour.
- Be mindful that creating safer spaces is your own responsibility as well as the responsibility of the people around you.
- Enjoy the space and have fun.
- Be aware of the grievance process & how to report complaints/issues: https://guild.curtin.edu.au/clubs/governance/safespaces/